Please complete our digital Client Enrolment form below, or, download a PDF copy of our paper enrolment form by clicking here.
Pilates classes are generally considered safe and effective. However, they are not intended to replace medical advice or treatment and if you have any doubt about the suitability of Pilates exercises for you, then seek advice from your medical or specialist practitioner. Exercise should be performed at a pace which feels comfortable for you. Please inform your instructor immediately if you experience pain or discomfort during a session or after a previous session. If your health changes so that subsequently you answer YES to any of the above, please inform your instructor. I understand that the information provided here, will be kept safely and securely in line with the Privacy Notice of Beryl Feely, a copy of which has been provided to me/details of which have been explained to me.If you are unwell or have any of the symptoms of Covid19 please stay at home and keep yourself and others safe.